The Saint Nicholas Center has a sweet little presentation for the Feast of St. Nicholas. On their website it says: "This story is for use with open, discovery-based approaches to children's Christian formation." One of them being the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd There is also a more detailed version for older children. Check it out by clicking HERE. While at the website, I also found out that a new movie called, Nicolas, Bishop of Myra, is in production as we speak! It sounds interesting and I'm looking forward to it's release! Check out more info HERE.
Last year our family signed up for Holy Heroes free Advent Adventures program. My kids absolutely loved it, and it was a really great springboard for talks and activities regarding the Advent Season. When you sign up for Advent Adventure, you'll get an email with each day's new video, crossword puzzles, coloring sheets and more! I am so grateful for this wonderful program, as it has truly enriched our Advent season with even more excitement and anticipation for the coming Birth of Our Lord. We are very much looking forward to starting our Advent Adventure this coming season and hope that your family will enjoy it too! You can sign up by clicking on he logo above, or by visiting While you're there, you can also check out all of their wonderful products, of which my children especially enjoy Glory Stories and Holy Heroes Mysteries of the Rosary Cd's. These are great tools for celebrating the Liturgical year, and the children come away inspired and learning so much after listening to these! Check it out!
This beautiful and inspiring short film stars Eduardo Verastegui of the movie Bella. A while back I saw his wonderful conversion story on YouTube (in Spanish). Please check it out and let me know what you think! My kids and I loved it! I only wish there would more uplifting films like this. Luckily, I hear this may be turned in to a full length feature film!
We had a great time preparing for the Feast of All Saints on All Hallows Eve. We had pizza & pasta for dinner, then listened to St. Anthony's Glory Story while we carved Saint O' Lanterns and munched on Oatmeal Chocolate chip cookies and drank apple cider. Afterwards my husband lit a fire and read Father Phillip Tells a Ghost Story: A Story of Divine Mercy. It was a great night! On All Saints Day,the kids dressed up as St. Peter Claver, St. Patrick, St. Juan Diego, and St. Michael. We had more pizza and lots of treats and goodies mixed in with games. It was a great weekend for our family and we look forward to it again next year! Oh, and my husband won 2nd place in the Adult category for Saint-O-Lanterns, and I won 3rd!