I love the Montessori Services and Small Hands Companies! In their latest newsletter, they discuss setting up lunch Montessori style. In our home and home school, we have used their child size food prep products and "Cookin' Cards" with great results! We absolutely love the independence their materials provide for the children, and it is so wonderful to see how their confidence and abilities are improved because of these child size items. I thought this was a great newsletter, so I've gotten permission to re-post their recent newsletter below. Check it out at my blog or here! They even mention "bento style" lunches, which I've done using the Laptop Lunches website for inspiration and ideas! Specifically our children use the following items quite frequently: Wavy Choppers, Small Cutting Board, Apple Slicer, Spreader, Child Size Pitchers, and the Juicer with Grater. We also have some other items they like, or LOVE to use like the Nutcracker, Egg slicer, and Banana slicer. You can check out many of these products HERE.
“There is no limit to the equipment of the 'Children's Houses' because the children themselves do everything. They sweep the rooms, dust and wash the furniture, polish the brasses, lay and clear away the table, wash up, sweep and roll up the rugs, wash a few little clothes, and cook eggs.” -- Maria Montessori, Dr. Montessori’s Own Handbook
What could be more meaningful to a young child’s developing independence than mastering the skills required to meet a fundamental human need? Though the details of individual trainings and specific school structures may differ, teachers invariably set up their lunch programs to meet two key goals: fostering the children’s independence and creating a relaxed setting for social interaction and teacher observation. It isn’t always easy. It might even feel impossible! Yet it’s almost always worth the effort.
Elements of an ideal Montessori lunch program
Every school, every classroom, and every group of children have unique needs. Which is to say that the ideal is not always an option. Fortunately, Montessori teachers tend to respond to real-world limitation by implementing every element they can, rather than giving up because a particular situation may be less than ideal. Working step-by-step to achieve the Montessori ideal over time is the hallmark of the best Montessori teachers!
Children bring lunch from home. In a perfect world, the child and parent worked together to prepare the child's lunch. Ideally, it is packed with small portions of nutritious foods that appeal to the child, in containers the child can manipulate independently. Preparing lunch is a parent education topic your parents will be grateful for!
A napkin or placemat defines each child’s space. As with work rugs and activity mats, a neatly defined space for each child fosters respect for others and assures children their work (including lunch!) will be undisturbed. When every parent is on board, children may bring their own napkins. If not, consider classroom-provided napkins -- a great opportunity to integrate Practical Life (napkin-folding and laundering) into the lunch program!
Everyone is ready before any of the children begin. A blessing before the meal is an ideal way to mark the moment. If your parents prefer a non-denominational "grace," young children love this one: “Earth that gives to us our food; sun that makes it ripe and good. Dearest Earth and dearest sun, we thank you now for all you’ve done!...Bon appĂ©tit!”
Children and teachers dine together. The importance of this unique opportunity to model Grace & Courtesy skills and social conversation for the children cannot be overstated. Further, the relaxed setting is perfect for observation, vocabulary-building, and inspiring children to research and answer their own food-related question (“Let’s read the pumpkin book later today. It can tell us how they grow...”) There is enough time. One of the worst aspects of a cafeteria-style lunch is the limited time children have to enjoy -- and truly experience -- their meals. The pressure to wolf down one’s food before the bell rings can encourage children to develop eating habits they will have to un-learn as adults. One of the best aspects of a Montessori-style lunch is a relaxed atmosphere that allows each child to eat at his own pace. Children clean up. Ideally, lunch clean-up is treated as a Practical Life activity: supplies are available and ready for children to use. If your situation is less than ideal, learn what’s possible and run with it -- even in a cafeteria-style setting, children may be allowed to crumb their individual placemats or take turns wiping their table.
Lunch Matters
Of course, there are dozens of reasons why lunch matters. Should you find yourself in the position of explaining the benefits of a Montessori lunch program, the hardest part may be distilling all you’ve learned in your training, your research, and your hours in the classroom into brief talking points that get to the crux of the issues. Brevity is especially important for conversations with parents, and when teachers looking to improve their lunch programs (or just get one started!) must convince higher-ups that the results of a Montessori-style lunch program are worth the effort. These points will get you started; supplement them with anecdotes drawn from your own experience whenever you can and you’ll make a compelling case. Independence: Every element of an ideal Montessori lunch program is designed to support the children’s developing self-reliance. Simply put, children eat several times a day. Preparing, serving and cleaning up lunch reinforce the practical, real-world skills Montessori programs are designed to develop.Continuity: A lunch served and cleared by the children provides seamless continuity with classroom Practical Life activities, whereas a lunch served and cleared by adults is simply out of synch. Mixed messages are confusing (even for adults!). Continuity at the lunch table supports and enhances the goals of the entire program.Grace & Courtesy: Hearing a young child say to a friend, “Would you like to join me?” as he politely motions to the snack table is a delight that never grows old. After lunch, children carefully tuck in their chairs, a practice that will stay with them for life. There is simply no better opportunity for children to hear and say polite words and phrases than the lunch and snack table. “May I pour you a glass of water?” “Yes, please.” “Thank you.” “You’re welcome.”Socialization: When the children dine together in a relaxed setting, they have an opportunity to engage in conversations with each other AND they have a ready-made topic of conversation: food! Teachers at the table have an opportunity to model asking appropriate questions (“I’ve never seen fruit like that. What is it called?”) and giving appropriate responses (“It’s called cherimoya. Let’s ask your mom if she can find one at the grocery for you.”)Observation: Happy children enjoying a Montessori-style lunch offer teachers a superb chance to evaluate how children are extending their Practical Life skills to a real-world setting. Teachers can’t follow children home to observe! Observation allows teachers to identify a child’s individual needs -- and provide for them! Is she having trouble pouring? She may need more access to pouring activities or an individual presentation. Does he break the crackers whenever he tries to spread them with peanut butter? He may need more opportunities to hone his fine motor skills.Teachable Moments: Conversations about food are chock full of language opportunities! Some ideas include naming fruits and vegetables -- children love saying words like jicama, edamame, pomegranate, and kiwi. You might also talk about the shapes of the containers to reinforce what the children are learning in Sensorial. Hard-boiled eggs are ovoid. Blueberries are spheres. Many containers are cylinders.
Educating & involving parents
You may find that bringing snack for the whole class is a perfect first step to getting parents on board with your lunch program. Sometimes, it’s easier to accept specific direction on behalf of the entire classroom than on behalf of one’s own child. Preparing snack for the class gives parents a chance to learn key concepts and potentially extend them to bag lunches without further prompting. If parents seem receptive, start your rotating snack schedule with a meeting or hand-out that explains why snacks must be prepared just so. Let parents know exactly what the children need and why! Parents who are eager to help out (and even parents who aren’t so eager) are usually happy to meet the classroom’s needs, provided they know what they are. The bag lunch today’s parents brought to school as children may have nothing in common with the Montessori-style bag lunch you’d like to see at the table. When you notice the majority of your children noshing on giant pre-made sandwiches and throwing away enough half-eaten fruit to feed a small country, it’s time for some parent education. As always, respect is the key to convincing parents there is a better way. Along with the obvious (food allergies or a vegan diet), there are as many rationales for how parents pack lunch as there are parents, all of them valid. No matter how aghast you might be when a child brings a bologna-and-white-bread sandwich, jello and gummy bears every day, try to separate the two related topics of style (how the lunch is packed) and content (nutrition) for the purposes of parent education. Your suggestion to cut the bologna sandwich in quarters and package it in a reusable container may get a warmer reception than a request to replace it with nuts and a fruit salad! Focusing first on the style gets parents thinking about lunch as an important part of the child’s day -- when parents see how well children respond, they are likely to be more receptive when you suggest more dramatic changes. Active volunteering in the classroom can be a touchy subject. Teachers who have experienced the disruption created by an overly loud or frankly oblivious volunteer tend to involve all parents in out-of-class support projects instead. Nonetheless, the parent who cares deeply about your lunch program (and expresses that with an ongoing desire to volunteer at lunch) may be your strongest advocate. Just as your younger children look to their older peers for guidance, so do parents look to each other. The key to tapping overall parent enthusiasm and support may be allowing that one passionate parent to help -- and training her to do it appropriately. A “lunch volunteer” training structured with multiple sessions, an observation requirement and lots of recommended reading will ensure that only the seriously committed parent will take it on. The time it takes to cultivate one interested parent has the potential to move the whole program forward in the best Montessori fashion -- peer-to-peer!
Integrating the school garden
Montessori urged adults to provide children with their own little plot of land to cultivate and, happily, many schools have done just that. Of course, a school garden satisfies the young child’s urge to care for other living things and gives them a context for hands-on science exploration. When the garden and the lunch program work together, however, the children’s experience is enriched ten-fold. Vegetables and fruit the children have planted, nurtured, harvested, prepared, served and eaten are a natural topic of conversation at the lunch table. Children who wouldn’t dream of eating a salad are suddenly eager to nibble on "the lettuce from our garden." With a compost program in place, the closed loop provides a living model of how nature transforms waste into new plants to sustain us. Food preparation activities are a favorite where school gardens grow! Harvesting the food first brings a powerful new dimension (and a natural point of interest) to slicing and serving activities. A thriving garden can supply fresh, nutritious fruits and vegetables for a school-made lunch program -- and children with an eager interest in food preparation activities. You might start small with a simple salad bar. Along with harvesting, carrying, rinsing, scrubbing, slicing or chopping, and peeling, a salad bar allows children to serve, eat, clean up, and compost food they’ve nurtured themselves. Healthy foods are a hallmark of Montessori philosophy. In fact, Montessori was one of the first educators to recognize the connection between nutrition and the developing brain. An excellent explanation of how Montessori’s observations are supported by contemporary scientific understanding of brain development, by Montessorian and children’s nutritionist Jan Katzen-Luchenta, AMI, illustrates the link between nutrition and learning readiness. The author echoes Dr. Montessori when she reminds adults that “Collectively, we must continue to take a serious interest in the child’s 'inner prepared environment,' the nutritional playing field we can’t see but whose impact can surely be measured through observation and investigation.” “If teaching is to be effective with young children, it must assist them to advance on the way to independence.” -- Maria Montessori, The Discovery of the Child Lunch is a daily opportunity to support your children on their path of discovery. The children’s joyful confidence and relaxed pleasure are what observers in a Montessori classroom notice at lunch. And that, perhaps, is its own reward.
— by J.A. Beydler, CA. ECE, for Montessori Services; Ms. Beydler is a nationally published writer, parent, and former day care owner/operator. Her articles appear in regional parenting print publications and websites.
There's something about lunch in a Montessori classroom... Cafeteria style, it's not! In a Montessori classroom, preparing, serving, and cleaning up are all on the children's menu. What could be more meaningful to a young child's developing independence than mastering the skills required to meet a fundamental human need? “The essence of independence is to
be able to do something for one's self.”
Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind
Pack a Child's Lunch Montessori Style
Watch your child when he is accomplishing "real work" in the kitchen at home. Whether carefully slicing apples or arranging crackers topped with eggs on a tray, his face shines with purposeful concentration. Sharing the bounty with friends and family leaves him beaming with satisfaction! You can provide support for such rewarding experiences daily, with a "lunch program" of your own. A Montessori-style bag lunch creates opportunities for children to apply at mealtime some of the functional skills they've experienced in classroom Practical Life activities: opening and closing (food containers), matching (cheese slices and crackers, for example), unfolding and folding (napkins and food wrappers), transferring with a spoon or tongs (berries to top a serving of yogurt, for example), and tidying up. Prepare lunches the evening before, with the children if at all possible. They'll relish the opportunity to undertake an important role in caring for themselves in this way (and you'll appreciate one less item on your morning agenda). Giving children a chance to choose respects their food preferences and suits their eagerness to participate in family life. Setting aside nutritional value for a moment, the kind of food is less important than the opportunity to prepare it independently, whether from the start the night before or by combining foods at the lunch table.
An interesting-looking lunch engages all their senses
A creative presentation of favorite foods makes for a fun, visually appealing lunch! Savvy parents pack sandwiches cut or pressed into fun shapes, carrot roses, and "ants on a log" (a celery stick filled with peanut butter and topped with raisins) because children love them; that is, children who ignore ho-hum carrot sticks will happily munch a carrot curl or two. Japanese-style bento boxes are great examples of lunches that emphasize small portions, variety, and fun. Preparing food as art -- and eating it! -- is very appealing to young children. Turn a carrot into a rose, a cherry tomato into a flower, a hard-boiled egg into a panda, or a hot dog into an octopus! A quick browser search on Bento for Children will give you plenty of ideas for creative cutting (you) and arranging (your child). Scan for those using scoops, forks, and other utensils your child can manage. P.S. Do you and your children make fun, nutritious lunches? Already a Bento fan? Share your pics with us on Facebook!
How to set up a child-friendly lunch preparation area at home
Establish shelves for lunch foods where children can reach, both in the cupboard and the refrigerator. Stock them with nutritious choices that appeal to your children. Introduce new foods now and then; when children are curious, they'll choose to pack the new food themselves (and be more likely to try it!). Place the utensils and containers to be used nearby and within reach. Depending on children's ages and abilities, these might include: Fruit and vegetable slicers or choppers Egg slicer Blunt knife for spreading Small bowl and mixing spoon Cutting board Vegetable brush Spoon or scoop Tongs Chopsticks Reusable lunch containers Insulated food jar Sandwich bags Clean-up supplies Supply reusable lunch containers children can open and close independently, perhaps including shape variations children will recognize. A blunt spreader for cream cheese, peanut butter, and other soft spreads, and a spoon or tong for picking up small foods (raisins, nuts, berries) are useful lunch bag additions. An insulated food container to keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold is a food safety must for hot soups and leftovers or dairy and meats. Don't forget the napkin!
Making lunch together: a genuine "Montessori Moment!"
One of the beauties of Montessori education is the way academic ideas are integrated into daily living. Montessori teachers are trained to spot learning opportunities by observing a child, then guide the child to resources that meet the observed need. When it comes to making lunch with your young child, the easiest way for you to do the same is to give your child words. Children love saying words like jicama, edamame, pomegranate, and kiwi, for example. Naming lunch ingredients together is a natural way to enjoy your child (and support learning, too). Talking about the shapes of the containers reinforces what children are learning in the Sensorial area of their classrooms. Flat lids may be circles, squares, rectangles, or even triangles. Placing nuts in a cylinder, a shape Montessori children know quite well, creates an opportunity for your child to recognize and name a shape for you!
How to pack lunch for your children Montessori-style
When the family schedule makes the children's participation unrealistic, pack lunch with a young child's sensitive taste buds and small tummy in mind. Provide a variety of single foods rather than an adult-sized sandwich and an entire piece of fruit. The same sandwich ingredients in individual containers are more likely to be eaten. Consider portion size -- few young children can manage a whole apple in one sitting! Small, separate portions let children combine foods in different ways. For example, a few crackers, a dab of peanut butter, a few cheese slices, and a few apple slices offer children several tasty combinations from which to choose at mealtime. Children love simple dips for their veggies and soft spreads that give their hands plenty to do. Plain yogurt or cottage cheese are nutritious dip "starters." Peanut butter, egg salad, tuna salad, and cream cheese are easy spreads. Trim bread into cracker-size pieces (quarter one slice). If you plan to make a simple sandwich the night before, it will be less soggy the next day if the filling side of the bread is "sealed" with a thin layer of butter before the filling is spread. Blotting lettuce and pickles dry with a clean towel also helps ward against a soggy sandwich the next day. We are what we eat -- how nutrition fits in
No discussion of lunch for children is complete without a nod to nutrition -- and how easy it is to trade food value for convenience. As parents, we strike a workable balance between baking our own bread daily and eating fast food five nights a week. Where does lunch fit in? We worry that our hand-baked, high-protein, low-fat whole grain breakfast cookie is being traded for a pack of Oreos® or -- worse yet -- being thrown away. We wonder how it could hurt to give children those pre-packaged cheese and cracker lunches or pudding cups they've been clamoring for. Rest assured. It matters. Healthy foods are a hallmark of Montessori philosophy. Dr. Montessori was one of the first educators to recognize the connection between nutrition and the developing brain. An excellent explanation of how Maria Montessori's observations are supported by contemporary scientific understanding of brain development, by children's nutritionist and Montessorian Jan Katzen-Luchenta, illustrates the link between nutrition and learning readiness. The author echoes Dr. Montessori when she reminds adults that "Collectively, we must continue to take a serious interest in the child's 'inner prepared environment,' the nutritional playing field we can't see but whose impact can surely be measured through observation and investigation." As the guardians and guides of your child's "inner prepared environment", you are in a wonderful position to apply your understanding and see for yourself how a Montessori "recipe" for lunch preparation yields a healthier lunch and a happier learner.
— by J.A. Beydler for Montessori Services; Ms. Beydler is a nationally published writer, parent, and former day care owner/operator. Her articles have appeared in regional parenting lifestyle publications and online.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Home Birth: I'm Amost Due!

I am so excited to be so close to having the new baby! I've really been nesting and thought I'd share a little of what I've been up to in regards to preparing for our home birth. This link on home birth preparation given at the Mothering.com forums really helped me a lot. This is baby #6, home birth #5, and water birth attempt #2.. This is the first time I actually feel really prepared! I've always left things for the last minute in the past and have hated that. Especially with a growing family, I wanted to feel more prepared and not leave things so chaotic. I will be taking 2 weeks bed rest (as best as possible) after the baby is born, so a bit of preparation is important. I'm 37 1/2 weeks and here are a few things I've done and still need to do: (I post this for myself as a checklist, but also to share ideas if you want them too)
-Got a special mothers blessing from my priest for a safe labor and delivery.
-My husband took my "pregnancy picture" for our new baby's keepsake.
-Did some mental preparation for labor by watching some home water birth videos, re-watched "The Business of Being Born" on Netflix, read certain parts of the book "Birthing from Within (the parts on laboring because some of the other stuff is a little too"out there" for me!), praying and asking God for strength during labor and for a smooth delivery of a healthy baby, and giving myself a little "speech" I can tell myself during labor: " I CAN do it, I WILL do it, I AM doing it" and then looking forward to saying, "I DID it!"
-Finally bought a co-sleeper! This is child #6, I wish I would have done it before!
-Collected all necessary birthing supplies (pool, liner, chux, towels, trash bags, Smooth Transitions herbal tincture by Wish Garden Herbs etc..)
-Made a basket with the first items necessary for the baby (clothes, diapers, etc..)
-Have a basket in the fridge and in the pantry with items I can drink and snack on during birth and labor (In the fridge: Cheese sticks, yogurt, etc. In the pantry: Protein Bars, Smart water, trail mix, Boxed soups, etc..), plus my lavender essential oil and organza bag of loose lavender buds to help me during labor!
-Have a basket with peri squirt bottle, maternity cotton pads to put in the Depends for post partum.
-Have my "laboring outfit" hanging and ready, which is just a wrap around towel cover with straps and Velcro opening/closure.
-Have my post partum cotton nursing gowns ready and hanging.
-Made a "Post-Partum" basket for myself. I lined a pretty box with tissue paper and filled it with Mothers Milk tea, Sitz bath and muslin bags, a bag of yummy Sundrops, a box of thank you cards and a pen, lanolin, and a Catholic mothering book called Grace Cafe. It was fun doing this as a little post-partum gift to myself.
-Wrapped a little gift of tea, chocolate, and bath salts for my midwife, and a little gift of chocolate for her apprentice, each with a Thank you note ready to be filled out.
-Bought ingredients and disposable baking pans for making meals to freeze.
-Have a box with organic instant oatmeal containers as a quick breakfast for everyone at home at the time of birth. Have a basket with bagels, English muffins, and cream cheese in the fridge for this purpose as well.
-Went over to a my comadre's house to learn about cloth diapering.
-Scrubbed and cleaned the fridge and put everything in containers and baskets. Have you figured out that I am a container/basket freak?!
-Have done a lot of de-cluttering in the home.
Still Need to Do:
-Still more de-cluttering! Mary and Joseph lived simply and we try to strive for that as well. It is so much more peaceful that way, and I believe we can just enjoy life and the children more without worrying so much about STUFF! This is an ongoing task in our lives!
-Finish making and freezing meals.
-Set up the home school classroom so the children can know follow the idea of "a place for everything, and everything in its place", even while I'm on bed rest. Set up a guide for some work they can do during this time as well.
-Mop the house, set up the laundry room with labels and baskets for everyone so as to make my bed rest time easier on everyone.
-Hopefully my husband will be done remodeling our main bathroom by the time baby is here! It's hard just having one available toilet with a family of 7 going on 8!
There are lots of other little things I'd love to get done, but alas, I am very satisfied having gotten all of the things above done, with not too much more I feel is necessary to do. In the end, the baby will come whether or not the laundry room is organized and I will just say, "The heck with it!". We are blessed to have a new life joining us, and I will try to enjoy every minute of my new baby's presence within our family. It all goes by too quick to worry about other detail.
Have any of you had a home or birth center birth? How did you like it? Is there anything special you did to prepare?
Home Birth,
Mami Life,
Natural Living,
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Montessori in My Home Part 2
I'm having to rest today, so I thought I'd continue with my "Montessori in My Home" post.
Once we decided to have an official classroom in the home, my husband and I went to the local Public School's surplus sales. There, they had used shelves, desks, chairs, etc. for about $3-$5 a piece. I would have loved to own the stuff from the Jonti-Craft catalog, but for $3-$5 at the surplus sale, I didn't mind a little chipped paint on the shelves! Besides, It was so exciting to get some shelves, table and chairs at such a low price, because as we all know, the cost of setting up a Montessori classroom can add up quick! I only ordered a few Montessori materials at first, but also bought several hands on items at a local teachers resource store called, "Learning is Fun!".
One of the most important things to my husband and I was that we start implementing a Montessori way of living in the home. We began to provide the children with more opportunities to do things for themselves and help us around the house, and had to keep reminding ourselves to stop interrupting the children's learning process; something that took some work! To us, the Montessori approach was very much in sync with our Catholic ideas and having a large family. It was a win win situation. The children gain confidence and satisfaction in their abilities when given the opportunity to dress themselves, help make food, etc.. and we gain children who are not afraid of being independent and who love to help the family with various tasks and chores. We were seeing great results with our children. They were eager to learn, and the implementation of Montessori ideas in our home helped to make things feel more peaceful. Children are children. They like to have fun and can be noisy, but we learned quickly that when they have the satisfaction of feeling productive, things at home can become a lot calmer with more of a joyful atmosphere abounding.
Next up: What a Blessing! Meeting with Mentors...
Once we decided to have an official classroom in the home, my husband and I went to the local Public School's surplus sales. There, they had used shelves, desks, chairs, etc. for about $3-$5 a piece. I would have loved to own the stuff from the Jonti-Craft catalog, but for $3-$5 at the surplus sale, I didn't mind a little chipped paint on the shelves! Besides, It was so exciting to get some shelves, table and chairs at such a low price, because as we all know, the cost of setting up a Montessori classroom can add up quick! I only ordered a few Montessori materials at first, but also bought several hands on items at a local teachers resource store called, "Learning is Fun!".
One of the most important things to my husband and I was that we start implementing a Montessori way of living in the home. We began to provide the children with more opportunities to do things for themselves and help us around the house, and had to keep reminding ourselves to stop interrupting the children's learning process; something that took some work! To us, the Montessori approach was very much in sync with our Catholic ideas and having a large family. It was a win win situation. The children gain confidence and satisfaction in their abilities when given the opportunity to dress themselves, help make food, etc.. and we gain children who are not afraid of being independent and who love to help the family with various tasks and chores. We were seeing great results with our children. They were eager to learn, and the implementation of Montessori ideas in our home helped to make things feel more peaceful. Children are children. They like to have fun and can be noisy, but we learned quickly that when they have the satisfaction of feeling productive, things at home can become a lot calmer with more of a joyful atmosphere abounding.
Next up: What a Blessing! Meeting with Mentors...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Montessori in my Home
I started writing this post on May 28th, before I found out my father was so sick and before his passing. I will have to continue it soon, but for now, here is what I had so far:
Courtney recently asked:
"Hi, Susanna, I had a question for you and the Mother's day post seemed like a good place to put it.
I was just wondering if you started Montessori with your children while they were babies -- things like a floor bed, no play pen, following the child, etc. These all seem like great ideas, I'm just wondering how to implement them in a large family (or even with more then one child). I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks and I love your blog! Courtney"
Courtney, I've been meaning to post about how we do things in the home, and will do my best to answer your question here, while also describing my Montessori journey and how we apply Montessori in the home. Things will be again changing for the 2010-2011 school year, so I'll give my thoughts on that as well.
My Montessori Journey and Montessori in my Home
I've been intrigued by Montessori since I was about 5 years old when a friend of mine would tell me all about her Montessori classroom. In about 4th or 6th grade, I actually called up Montessori schools I found in the phone book, to see what they were about and how to get in. They were surprised to hear from a kid, and told me that they only had primary programs at the time. In highschool I ran into that same girl I was friends with when I was 5. This girl was a well rounded, creative, athletic, and smart student. I was very impressed at how she had turned out, and wished I had had the same opportunity. She seemed to be very confidant, which I really admired. It made me wonder whether her Montessori schooling had anything to do with it.
Just before I got married when I was 20, I worked at a daycare, and started looking into Montessori again. There weren't as many resources as there are now, but Elizabeth Hainstock's book, Teaching Montessori in the Home. came in handy. If there was one thing I did know, it was that I did not like how busy our daycare toddler room was. They always insisted that the state child care guidelines said we had to paint everything in primary colors, which I thought was very displeasing to the eye personally. There were also cartoon character alphabets all over the room, along with cartoon character numbers. A few toys were kept on a shelf for the children to get on their own, but they were never organized , or shown how to organize them. I was always told, "they are going to mess them up anyway". I thought, who cares?! You should set a good example for them to try and learn from and follow, even if they don't always succeed at it. They also used to literally dump toys on the ground for them to play with. I just did not like the system, but had never actually seen a Montessori classroom. Since then had always dreamed of making my children a space in which they could learn and have fun in.
Once I was married and then later pregnant with our first child, I looked into Montessori again and found the NAMC website. I thought about taking their distance learning course, but at the time for newlyweds in a 1 bedroom apartment, the price was not feasible for us. The children started coming, one after another, and by the time by oldest was between 3 and 4, my husband and I cleared out a room in the home for use as a classroom.
Courtney recently asked:
"Hi, Susanna, I had a question for you and the Mother's day post seemed like a good place to put it.
I was just wondering if you started Montessori with your children while they were babies -- things like a floor bed, no play pen, following the child, etc. These all seem like great ideas, I'm just wondering how to implement them in a large family (or even with more then one child). I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks and I love your blog! Courtney"
Courtney, I've been meaning to post about how we do things in the home, and will do my best to answer your question here, while also describing my Montessori journey and how we apply Montessori in the home. Things will be again changing for the 2010-2011 school year, so I'll give my thoughts on that as well.
My Montessori Journey and Montessori in my Home
I've been intrigued by Montessori since I was about 5 years old when a friend of mine would tell me all about her Montessori classroom. In about 4th or 6th grade, I actually called up Montessori schools I found in the phone book, to see what they were about and how to get in. They were surprised to hear from a kid, and told me that they only had primary programs at the time. In highschool I ran into that same girl I was friends with when I was 5. This girl was a well rounded, creative, athletic, and smart student. I was very impressed at how she had turned out, and wished I had had the same opportunity. She seemed to be very confidant, which I really admired. It made me wonder whether her Montessori schooling had anything to do with it.
Just before I got married when I was 20, I worked at a daycare, and started looking into Montessori again. There weren't as many resources as there are now, but Elizabeth Hainstock's book, Teaching Montessori in the Home. came in handy. If there was one thing I did know, it was that I did not like how busy our daycare toddler room was. They always insisted that the state child care guidelines said we had to paint everything in primary colors, which I thought was very displeasing to the eye personally. There were also cartoon character alphabets all over the room, along with cartoon character numbers. A few toys were kept on a shelf for the children to get on their own, but they were never organized , or shown how to organize them. I was always told, "they are going to mess them up anyway". I thought, who cares?! You should set a good example for them to try and learn from and follow, even if they don't always succeed at it. They also used to literally dump toys on the ground for them to play with. I just did not like the system, but had never actually seen a Montessori classroom. Since then had always dreamed of making my children a space in which they could learn and have fun in.
Once I was married and then later pregnant with our first child, I looked into Montessori again and found the NAMC website. I thought about taking their distance learning course, but at the time for newlyweds in a 1 bedroom apartment, the price was not feasible for us. The children started coming, one after another, and by the time by oldest was between 3 and 4, my husband and I cleared out a room in the home for use as a classroom.
Mami Life,
Montessori in the Home,
My Journey
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