Monday, February 27, 2012

When Pinto Beans Become Jelly Beans!

Repost from March, 11':

"Mami, is Lent when the frijoles turn into jelly beans?"  -Mr. C last night.

The sacrifice jar is out! That means Lent has arrived and for the duration  my children can earn these:
And on Easter morning their sacrifices will turn into the sweetness of these:
This is one of the many things we do to show the children that we are on a 40 day journey with Jesus during Lent. At the end, there is the joy and sweetness of Easter. The grit before the glory, the pinto bean before the jelly bean!

Some people color their beans purple because that is the Liturgical color of the season. We however, have found that purple colored pinto beans are a bit too tempting for little ones! ;)

Here is a link to some of the stuff we were doing last year, which we'll be doing again:
Lent: Our Journey with Jesus to Easter

Want to teach your little one's about the Catholic faith the Montessori way? Check out Elizabeth Papandrea's Catholic Montessori album!