Friday, September 16, 2011

Advertising Giveaway!


Do you or someone you know have a product or company that would be a great fit for readers of Montessori Candy? How would you like to win a free 1 month ad on Montessori Candy? If you have a product or company that you feel would be a good fit here, please send me a private email (no comments will be published on this post), to:
montessoricandy at with the subject title AD Giveaway.

I will look through the entrants to make sure they are indeed a good fit (I won't endorse something I would be opposed to use myself or for my children), and then enter them in at and announce a winner in two weeks. Feel free to pass this on to anyone you feel might benefit from the opportunity, or to a company that you love and recommend!

Some ideas for products are: books, art for the classroom or childs room, wooden or natural  toys, Montessori related products, music, natural parenting items and more!